The other five nights at freddys Wikia

Okay so ummm let's see Golden Freddy in FNAF one

In FNAF 1 you can find Golden Freddy in the Freddy picture next to your office. You know those eyes in the poster, yeah, that's Golden Freddy. If you only see black holes CLOSE YOUR DOORS RIGHT AWAY those black holes means “Golden Freddy: You know to much" So if you don't close your doors close your eyes well Golden Freddy's jumps are is really corny so never mind. So also Golden Freddy does not I repeat DOES NOT appear in Night one no matter how long you look at the poster ((which is really dumb I mean your power' gonna run out REALLY quickly)) he will not come out . Okay so When golden Freddy gets in your room ((he's the only one who can)) don't panic it's okay because his Jumpscare is so derpy it'll be like someone who's right in front of you trying to scare you. So that's pretty much it I'll try to post some more pages later on soooo bye!
